Masters of Prep

“Masters of Prep” is a virtual reality game conceptualised by the Digicel Foundation, in collaboration with administrators and teachers from special needs schools to give students with disabilities the opportunity to practise ‘real world’ skills in a safe environment. The game was developed as a generic enabler in facilitating disaster-preparedness training for the targeted special needs population, that is tailored to their needs, and will remain accessible beyond the scope of the intervention. This virtual reality platform was developed under the direction and guidance of the Office of Disaster Preparedness Management (ODPM) of Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad & Tobago Fire Services and administrators (teachers and caregivers) specifically towards the inclusion of persons with disabilities into the national disaster policies. It provides education for appropriate disaster behavior, an interactive training guide of how to proceed in a disaster event
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Hola, soy Alexandra del equipo de Socialab. ¡Bienvenidos al Desafío Play! Muchas gracias por tu postulación. ¡Saludos!
hace 4 años
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hace 4 años

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abre el 21 de julio

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